Saturday, August 16, 2014

Robin Williams’ Suicide and the Catholic Church’s Beliefs

With the recent news of Robin Williams’ tragic death on August 11th, I wanted to reflect just a bit on depression and suicide. Depression is crippling. Depression is ugly. I've known people in my personal life to take their own life. I’ve also known people who  attempted to. Too many people. I'm just overwhelmingly overtaken with sadness and the thought of so many people out there in this world that are suffering. No matter how it looks on the outside, you never know what someone else is going through. 

There are people making statements in the name of Christianity that Robin is going to Hell, and that what he did was a selfish act. In response to that, I'd like to quote the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
“We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.”
“The bodies of the dead must be treated with respect and charity, in faith and hope of the Resurrection.”

I think it’s so important to give all people the respect they deserve. I want to treat all people with kindness. I never want to use Christianity as a means for judging or damning others. I want to use my faith to live a Christ-like life that is centered around kindness. I pray for all the people who were mentally ill and driven to suicide. I pray for all the people currently suffering with mental illness and contemplating suicide. I hope that they can find the help they need to make it through their difficult time on earth. 

Robert Gebbia, CEO of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention said: 
“Suicide is not a choice. Suicide is a health issue. Suicide can result if a mental illness—like major depression or bipolar disorder—goes untreated, in the same way that a patient can die from pneumonia if they go untreated.” 

Read his whole article here. We must raise awareness about suicide so that people contemplating suicide can seek the help they need. Be careful with your words, because they can cause pain to others.

Be kind to one another. Lift each other up. And for the love of God, seek help when you need it. 

R.I.P. Robin.

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